Wednesday, 7 May 2008

CPD hours

I meant to say to you to record your hours on your CPD online. Thanks for all your hard work and enthusiasm. I hope to hear about how you get on with French int the classroom. Please keep in touch by email!

la fête

We had a lovely "party" playing games and trying French food. Thank you for being such fun. I will miss you!

Here is the version of the farmer wants a wife from
Le fermier dans son pré (the farmer in his field)

Le fermier dans son pré
Le fermier dans son pré
Ohé ! ohé ! ohé ! le fermier dans son pré.

- Le fermier prend sa femme
- La femme prend son enfant
- L'enfant prend sa nourrice
- La nourrice prend son chien
- Le chien prend son p'tit chat
- Le chat prend la souris
- La souris prend l'fromage
- Le fromage est battu

We also did a version of ten in the bed

six au lit et le petit dit
poussez-vous, poussez vous

cinq au lit etc until
un au lit et le petit dit
bonne nuit!

Fisherman's net for days of week, numbers, months, a song -choose a secret word to drop the net
mon père avait un âne
Could have done il court il court le furet game like I sent a letter

people bingo, teams holding flashcards, sit down when card is called
4 corners game with coloured cones
grand pas petit pas (giant steps, baby steps) if you like cheese, fais deux grands pas etc
quelle heure est-il M Leloup? il est cinq heures, etc /déjeuner!
Chinese whispers in teams with numbers
balloons in bin bag - un ballon vert etc
holding animal snap cards find other animals by making the French sound eg hen "cot cot"
Elaine's colour song to if you're happy and you know it eg bleu bleu bleu et vert with FCs
Could have done pass the parcel with bricks or FCs

Friday, 2 May 2008

last day

On Wednesday we will revise by having a party with games, songs and activities like food tasting.
Can you each bring an activity to lead and any props you need eg a ball, toys or whatever to play it. No need to reinvent the wheel, something we have done or a variation of something you do in English.
Bon weekend

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

le premier mai - la fête du muguet

Demain c'est le premier mai, jour férié en France!

More information on holidays and calendars


Apart from this site, I bookmark interesting sites on
In the box, type French or early or French+primary or French+early
This afternoon we will explore some!

Red fish and user guide


LittleRed Riding Hood story


likes and dislikes

tu aimes les pommes?
oui, j'aime les pommes
non, je n'aime pas les fruits
je préfère les gâteaux

Note the use of the definite article (the) after likes etc!

Thursday, 24 April 2008

grammar point (for those that like to know!)

I would like is
je voudrais followed by un/une or du/de la/ des eg
je voudrais une pomme I would like an apple (feminine noun)
or je voudrais de la pomme I would like some apple
je voudrais des pommes followed I would like some apples

I suppose if you were offered a choice between and apple or a banana then you could say
je voudrais la pomme
I would like the apple

un gâteau a cake (masculine noun)
du gâteau some cake
le gâteau the cake
les gâteaux the cakes
des gâteaux some cakes

Since the plural of nouns sounds the same ie pomme = pommes and gâteau = gâteaux
it is really important to pronounce the preceding word carefully!