Thursday, 31 January 2008

Animal games

Here are some of the games we played with the cuddly toys, several cats, dogs, a snake, a monster un monstre, a tortoise une tortue, a badger un blaireau a bear un ours /l'ours or teddy un nounours :
  • pass the parcel with the animals - when music stops you say le chat and anyone holding a cat should hold it up. You should have one to show as well
  • show me /point to Montrez-moi le chat
  • find in the pile 1 child comes out Trouve le chat
  • repeat if it’s true eg hold the cat and say lapin - try to trick them
  • teacher has to guess. Child hides animal, teacher guesses, clues of animal noises. kids say oui or non
  • magic bag - le sac magique put cuddly toys in a bag and put your hand on one. Kids have to guess. ie say an animal they know. You can show a little bit of the animal tantalisingly. Kids could take turn with the sac magique
There are lots of songs with animals and they feature on the salut Serge DVD

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