Thursday 24 April 2008

grammar point (for those that like to know!)

I would like is
je voudrais followed by un/une or du/de la/ des eg
je voudrais une pomme I would like an apple (feminine noun)
or je voudrais de la pomme I would like some apple
je voudrais des pommes followed I would like some apples

I suppose if you were offered a choice between and apple or a banana then you could say
je voudrais la pomme
I would like the apple

un gâteau a cake (masculine noun)
du gâteau some cake
le gâteau the cake
les gâteaux the cakes
des gâteaux some cakes

Since the plural of nouns sounds the same ie pomme = pommes and gâteau = gâteaux
it is really important to pronounce the preceding word carefully!

1 comment:

Kay McMeekin said...

Laure confirms that la sauce à tremper is the way to express dipping sauce but that it is not very common in France!