Wednesday, 30 April 2008

le premier mai - la fête du muguet

Demain c'est le premier mai, jour férié en France!

More information on holidays and calendars


Apart from this site, I bookmark interesting sites on
In the box, type French or early or French+primary or French+early
This afternoon we will explore some!

Red fish and user guide


LittleRed Riding Hood story


likes and dislikes

tu aimes les pommes?
oui, j'aime les pommes
non, je n'aime pas les fruits
je préfère les gâteaux

Note the use of the definite article (the) after likes etc!

Thursday, 24 April 2008

grammar point (for those that like to know!)

I would like is
je voudrais followed by un/une or du/de la/ des eg
je voudrais une pomme I would like an apple (feminine noun)
or je voudrais de la pomme I would like some apple
je voudrais des pommes followed I would like some apples

I suppose if you were offered a choice between and apple or a banana then you could say
je voudrais la pomme
I would like the apple

un gâteau a cake (masculine noun)
du gâteau some cake
le gâteau the cake
les gâteaux the cakes
des gâteaux some cakes

Since the plural of nouns sounds the same ie pomme = pommes and gâteau = gâteaux
it is really important to pronounce the preceding word carefully!


We talked about French eating habits, cafés, markets, bread.
We practised asking for, passing food and being polite
We watched all of episode 2 of Salut Serge about food and played the pizza game on the whiteboard. We looked at my new songs site and sang some of the tagged food songs. (on the left hand side under labels click on food)

The link to the site where you can see the current school dinner menu in a school in France is here

I am still researching the word for dips. I think it might just be sauces [sohs]

Monday, 21 April 2008

Class resumes on Wednesday 23 April

It seems ages since we met! I have spent my spare time making a site dedicated to songs!
It is also a blog with labels eg body, so you can easily find songs to do with the body.
I will be adding to it.

I had not booked a class for Wed 7 May as I was meant to be elsewhere but that has now fallen through so we can do that one instead of 21 May. Let me know if you can't do 7 May by adding a comment or tell me on Wednesday.

We will make a start on food on Wednesday.