We talked about ways of engaging very young children.
- Have some French music playing eg accordion music.
- Tell the children to "Put in your French voice!"
- Wear a beret! or give some other signal to indicate that you are doing French.
- Puppets are a good idea. A French child puppet who sits in the class when you are doing French and goes home with children for weekends and holidays or a glove puppet who speaks French to them.
- Displays of French words and culture.
I gave out course material - 1 per school. All East Ayrshire material for Early Stages (French, Spanish, Gaelic) is available to download from LTScotland
including the audio files. Particularly if you are not confident in French, you should download these and listen.
We did numbers 1 - 6, hello and goodbye and what are you ? I'm called …
We sang
un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq (3x)
ça y est!
Cultural differences - la bise the French cheek kissing that friends and family do on meeting. We used the glove puppet to demonstrate. Handshaking too is a bit different - just one rather limp shake!
We talked a lot about pronunciation. The position of your lips - the French pout, nasals, stress, silent letters.
We talked about resources and making use of what you have eg coloured bricks. I showed some display material downloaded from the web. I have put the links in the sidebar.
Actually we did quite a lot in a short time!
BTW the patient has survived.
Remember no class next Wednesday the 7th November as I am at a course in Stirling.
For next time:-
practise what we did today, listen to the audio, bring any resources you may have already to show and tell. Bring some props to teach the numbers eg lego or whatever is to hand.
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